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21-12-2016 à 14:03:22
Top 10 diet plans
That people who should know better keep repeating the same myths is somewhat puzzling and strange. At least for the mainstream crowd who prefers anecdotes and muscle magazines over science-based articles such as this one. Commercial forces. But its an unescessary type of dedication, almost to the point if obsession. No need to look into it and think for yourself. The simple truth is that more protein just takes a longer time to digest and be utilized. Further reading: I have covered the topic of meal frequency at great length on this site before. Origin Just like breakfast skipping is associated with higher body weights in the general population, you will find associations with late night eating and higher body weights. The body can only absorb 30 grams of protein in one sitting. This was after eating pizza, a refined food that should be quickly absorbed relatively speaking. For some concrete numbers, digestion of a standard meal is still incomplete after five hours. The amount of energy expended is directly proportional to the amount of calories and nutrients consumed in the meal. Also note that a review I did of another fasted endurance training study showed no negative effect of fasting on endurance or VO2max (quite the contary in fact). Desirable traits that encouraged us to seek for food, or for the hunter to kill his prey, increasing survival. But during the whole year besides your leangains meals, and eating icecream and cereal during your final cut. Origin Not sure how people came to believe that skipping a meal would dumb them down. Weider probably did it before then. For some concrete numbers, studies have shown an increase of 3. ). Meal composition plays an important role in absorption speed, especially when it comes to amino acids. Call it broscience, incompetence or ignorance, same thing. A fantastic article that I immediately shared with my friends. Thus what people took this to mean is that breakfast is healthy and improves insulin sensitivity. Bodybuilders looking to rationalize their desire to eat lots of mini-meals after the fact. While those who ate more in the AM lost more weight, the extra weight was in the form of muscle mass. Another guess is that they base the advice on some epidemiological studies that found an inverse correlation between high meal frequency and body weight in the population. Most whole food proteins are absorbed at a rate of 3-6 grams an hour. The explanation is similar to that of lower meal frequencies and higher body weights. 2. That said, anaerobic performance, such as weight training, is much less impacted. Aha, higher meal frequency spares lean body mass. Eating every three hours and following the bodybuilding advice is hard and takes dedication. But this article is already long enough as it is. Losing fat is relatively simple, not easy, but simple. Or rather, you are always the most insulin sensitive during the first meal of the day. However, note the other interesting results obtained in the fasted group. Origin This myth might have originated from the limited data from studies on meal frequencies and appetite control. Perhaps they lose interest in keeping up with research. The situation created was highly artificial and abnormal. Liquids digest that much more quickly than solid foods so the study was basically set up to fail for the low meal frequency group. So for those who have assisted me in the fight against broscience and diet myths, thanks. Repeat something often enough and it becomes the truth. However, since Chankonabe is so deeply entrenched into sumo culture, wrestlers will only count a dish served with Chankonabe as a meal. As discussed in The Protein Book in some detail, meal frequency only really matters when protein intake is inadequate in the first place. PS. They were given an inadequate amount of rapidly digesting liquid protein too infrequently to spare muscle loss. Origin Prolonged fasting or severe calorie restriction causes elevated baseline levels of cortisol. Who sits around nibbling on pasta and ice cream, sipping orange juice, every hour leading up to a regular meal. Upon closer scrutiny, the great majority lack scientific basis. 2. Amino acids are still being released into your bloodstream and absorbed into muscles. Current research with a normal meal pattern and protein intakes that are closer to what can be seen in a typical non-retarded diet, suggests superior appetite control when eating fewer and larger meals. Martin, I can relate to your discontent and cynicism towards educators in this area (I am one myself). The traditional dish consumed by sumo wrestlers, Chankonabe, is actually not bad at all in terms of calorie density and food composition. People seem to believe they will suffer severe hunger and mental impairment from not eating every so often. and decline in the evenings. This happens when stored liver glycogen becomes depleted. In essence, people who ate breakfast could control their energy intake better for the rest of the day. The most extensive review of studies on various meal frequencies and TEF was published in 1997. I really need to be able to know what is true, and what I just need to know for the exam. Given that 30 grams of whey protein was absorbed within 3-4 hours, I guess some people believed that meant 30 grams of protein can only be used in one sitting. For someone stranded on an abandoned island that is. Under those conditions, a higher meal frequency spares lean body mass. Paradoxically, it takes energy to break down and absorb energy. The body can only absorb 30 grams of protein in one sitting. Hey Martin, How do I go about emailing you regarding your services. The connection between lower meal frequency and higher body weight in the general population, and vice versa, is connected to behavioral patterns - not metabolism. I voted for you here:). Read this post for my summary of the study. 5. The large energy deficit and leanness of the boxers are also factors to consider. Like this study which showed increased muscle gain and fat loss, with no weight training or change in calorie intake, just by changing meal frequency. No individual result should be seen as a typical result of following the SparkPeople program. Instant access to our tools and community in our web and mobile apps. Critique is fine but not when it cannot be backed by anything else than gym lore. Thus metabolic rate is increased in short-term fasting (up to 60 hours). I should also point out that I was wrong about the origins of this myth which several people have pointed out. The cereal and grain industry benefits by preaching about the virtues of breakfast for weight control, health and fat loss. More than 600,000 healthy and delicious recipes in our recipe database. But at least be humble enough to understand that your opinion is not one that you have formed on your own. There is some truth to blood sugar and hunger, but this is often taken out of context. What changes during Ramadan is simply the cortisol rhythm, average levels across 24 hours remain unchanged. No studies have looked at this in a context that is relevant to most of us. Answers and support from our community of members and experts. He found that amino acids from muscle contributed 50% to glucose maintenance after 16 hours and almost 100% after 28 hours (when stored liver glycogen was fully depleted). As I explained earlier, protein is absorbed at a very slow rate. Many myths just happened to be connected to intermittent fasting (meal frequency, breakfast skipping, etc. Truth Each time you eat, metabolic rate increases slightly for a few hours. Most people reason that if these people do it, it must be great. This is unfortunate but understandable since almost everyone else in this industry tends to do it. In one widely cited study, subjects were entrusted to eat most meals in free-living conditions. The latest research, performed under conditions that more closely resemble a real-world scenario, shows the opposite result. Keep in mind that most people who resort to breakfast skipping are not the type that sit around and read about nutrition. No controlled studies show larger evening meals affect body composition negatively in comparison to meals eaten earlier in the day. This meal pattern of regular nightly feasts has a neutral or positive effect on body fat percentage and other health parameters. This is relevant for those who fear blood sugar issues and hunger from regular periods of fasting, as it serves to explain why people can easily adapt to regular periods of fasting without negative effects. For example, by examining amino acid appearance in the blood and tissue utilization of amino acids after a large steak, veggies and followed up with some cottage cheese with berries for dessert. 1. Also, keep in mind that the above cited studies are all performed under conditions that are much more extreme than the fasting protocol I, or Brad Pilon, recommends. Intermittent fasting has been a Godsend to my husband who has struggled with his weight over the last 15 years. Thanks Martin, this is why your site is my favorite. Myth: Fasted training sucks. However, training in a completely fasted state is still not something I recommend for optimal progress. 2. 9. Unfortunately, bodybuilders and fitness celebrities might just be one of the last people on earth you should listen to if you want objective and accurate opinions in nutrition. The advice and claims I have seen made by many RDs (Registered Dietitians) has been so shamelessly wrong that I put little stock in anything they have to say. This can be explained by the lower intensity. Seemingly paradoxical, metabolic rate is actually increased in short-term fasting. The breakfast skipping group ate more and gained weight, which affected health parameters negatively. When listening to my professors, I have to grit my teeth and bare it. For them, finding objective facts is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Origin I guess some genius read that fasting or starvation causes metabolic rate to drop and took that to mean that meal skipping, or not eating for a day or two, would cause starvation mode. Very good Martin, that is what i am going to show to friends that they say 3 meals will slow your metabolism you have to eat breakfast etc. Staying updated with the most current research is not very popular among my peers, it seems. But the study design was pretty crappy and I want to look at a few reasons why I think that. What we know today is a bit different from what we knew twenty years ago after all. A very large confounder here is dehydration, as Ramadan fasting involves fluid restriction. A new study on breakfast and health came out a few weeks ago. And they did despite training in a dehydrated state, without pre-workout or post-workout protein intake, and with a lower protein intake overall nonetheless. They just missed that critical part where it was explained that TEF is proportional to the calories consumed in each meal. Get exclusive advice from our team of experts. A fast, easy-to-use calorie counter with over 2 million foods in our database. This is quite an extreme and telling example. In order to do this you would need an academic background that included critical examination of studies and study methodology as part of the learning process. As i see it, the problem is twofold in the sense that outliers, the majority of which have severe methodological flaws, often get all of the attention (i. Few studies has examined the effects of regular fasting on muscle retention and compared it to a control diet. Do you think we would be here today if our bodies could only make use of 30 grams of protein per meal. the boxers study). Breakfast skippers have dysregulated eating habits and show a higher disregard for health.

The late evening eaters conserved muscle mass better, which resulted in a larger drop in body fat percentage. Again, it seems someone looked at what happens during starvation and took that to mean that short-term fasting is bad. Truth A large body of research on sports performance during Ramadan concludes that aerobic activities, such as 60 minutes of running, has a small yet significant negative impact on performance. Top Ten Fasting Myths Debunked (Major Update Nov 4th). Truth Breakfast skipping is associated with higher body weights in the population. Maintaining blood sugar is of very high priority and we have developed efficient pathways that will make it happen even under extreme conditions. First of all, this study looked at the absorption rate of whey protein in the fasted state. As expected, no differences were found between a lower (3 meals) and higher meal (6 meals) frequency. How long do you think a big steak, with double the protein intake of the above example, and a big pile of veggies would last you. Trusting that those we listen to knew what they were talking about. The type to go on a 800 calorie-crash diet and then rebound, gaining all the weight (and then some) back. I have been doing it also and am seeing the beginnings of a six pack for the first time in my life after giving birth to 5 children. SparkPeople, SparkCoach, SparkPages, SparkPoints, SparkDiet, SparkAmerica, SparkRecipes, DailySpark, and other marks are trademarks of SparkPeople, Inc. In this study, three high-protein meals lead to greater fullness and appetite control when compared to six high-protein meals. I am still of the opinion that the best diet is the one you can stick to in the long term. Research is quite clear on the benefits of pre-workout and post-workout protein intake for maximizing protein synthesis. The methods and logic used to arrive at such a conclusion was completely retarded. However, at the end of the 24-hour period, or as long as it would take to assimilate the nutrients, there would be no difference in TEF. Myth: Maintain a steady supply of amino acids by eating protein every 2-3 hours. For this reason, I suggest supplementing with 10 g BCAA prior to fasted training. One of my clients, showing symptoms of profound catabolism by impaired protein absorption and daily 16 hour periods of fasting. Sometimes studies on shift workers are cited to claim that late night eating is bad. People literally gorge on carbs and treats in the middle of the night to no ill effect. This occurs in conjunction with depletion of liver glycogen, as cortisol speeds up DNG, which is necessary to maintain blood sugar in absence of dietary carbs, protein, or stored glycogen. In conclusion, training in the fasted state does not affect your performance during weight training, which is what most people reading this are interested in. Weider probably did it befor then. Lowering metabolic rate during starvation allowed us to live longer, increasing the possibility that we might come across something to eat. Myth: Eat smaller meals more often for hunger control. November 4th Addendum First of all, I appreciate the support and help with spreading this article around. Fat gain always affects insulin sensitivity and other health parameters negatively. None of them are relevant to how most people fast and some are marred by flaws in study design and methodology. Since I like this stuff I could easily devote a full article to each one of the different myths and delve deeper into the nuances and methodological problems that plague some of the widely cited data from which they are born. A blunted morning cortisol peak is associated with lethargy and depression. A personalized fitness program, plus integration with most wearable fitness trackers. A community of millions to help you on your journey. m. If everyone is saying the same thing, it must be true. On top of wrecking your metabolism, you should expect ravenous hunger, fat gain, muscle loss, and severe mental impairment. This study garnered some attention in the mass media and it was nice to see the meal frequency myth being debunked in The New York Times. Trying to suppress acute elevations of cortisol during exercise, or the normal diurnal rhythm, is foolish. In one study comparing two meal patterns, which involved one group eating more calories earlier in the day and one group eating most calories later in the day, more favorable results were found in the group eating large evening meals. People who engage in late night eating, such as snacking in front of the TV, are likely to weigh more than others. Truth Cortisol is a steroid hormone that maintains blood pressure, regulates the immune system and helps break down proteins, glucose and lipids. But finding them takes time, requires some effort. So simple that people probably dismiss it since it must be difficult to attain the physiques of some of the worlds finest. 6% - 10% after 36-48 hours ( Mansell PI, et al, and Zauner C, et al ). Obviously, for someone who eats a high protein meal before fasting, this is a moot point as you will have plenty of aminos available from food during the fast. This is my biggest frustration with this industry. During 48 hours of fasting, or severe calorie deprivation, blood sugar is maintained within a normal range no measure of cognitive performance is negatively affected. But remember: never once have I said, or claimed, that I believe everyone needs to convert to intermittent fasting - or even that it is proven to be superior to a regular healthy diet. However, the decision should be based on personal preference and not neurotic adherence to a diet built on faulty and bad science. For example, the supplement industry benefits greatly from people believing that frequent feedings provide a metabolic advantage. I forgot to mention one critical study that often comes up in the context of a high meal frequency being beneficial when dieting. Other studies frequently cited claiming that breakfast is beneficial for insulin sensitivity are all marred with methodological flaws and largely uncontrolled in design. They are born out out of half-truths, faulty conclusions drawn from poorly conducted studies or created when a study gets cited out of context. I should have written this article post a long time ago. In conclusion, the belief that fasting increases cortisol, which then might cause all kinds of mischief such as muscle loss, has no scientific basis whatsoever. Everyone who learns about nutrition through the usual channels, be it fitness magazines, mainstream diet books and forums, gets cursed with the prevailing belief system of what constitutes a good diet. For a summary of the above cited study, read this research review by Lyle McDonald. Ok, so in retrospect, I think I screwed up on the title. Consider for a second the evolutionary consequences for survival if this was true. Details that are critical to know in this context. This happens gradually and if amino acids are not available from food, protein must be taken from bodily stores such as muscle. Even though I do not fast, I find your articles very informative and well written. However, absolute statements claiming smaller meals are superior for hunger and appetite control are untrue and are based on studies using methods that greatly differed from real-world meal patterns. It leads to much confusion as laypersons think everyone is trying to sell them something. Truth Whenever you hear something really crazy you need to ask yourself if it makes sense from an evolutionary perspective. People who skip breakfast are also more likely to be dieting, thus by default they are also likely to be heavier than non-dieters. However, the single meal was now split into five smaller meals, which were consumed every hour leading up to the ad libitum meal. Take your first step towards a healthier life. Cahill looked at the contribution of amino acids to DNG after a 100 gram glucose load. Not because I believe that I need to make my point any clearer, but because it will be a lesson in critical thinking. This myth is a great example of the latter. Other studies show metabolic rate is not impacted until 72-96 hours have passed (George Cahill has contributed a lot on this topic). What that means is that researchers may look at the dietary pattern of thousands individuals and find that those who eat more frequently tend to weigh less than those who eat less frequently. Only in prolonged fasting does protein catabolism become an issue. Additionally is the use of a liquid protein that confounds things even more. After a large high-protein meal, amino acids trickle into your blood stream for several hours. To me the dedicated person is someone who can cut through the crap, make this type of lifestyle fit their busy lives nut worried about what time their next meal needs to be consumed, and still make consistent gains in their training routine and physique. These are all uncontrolled (in terms of calorie intake) and observational studies confounded by the fact that shift work has an independent and negative effect on some health parameters like glucose tolerance and blood lipids. Instead, they turn to meal replacement powders, shakes and protein bars. People who are overweight are more likely to be on a diet and eat fewer meals. Great post Martin, definitely gotta send this one around. e. Origin First of all, we have the large scale epidemiological studies showing an association with breakfast skipping and higher body weights in the population. The morning peak in cortisol makes us get out of bed and get going. Blood sugar is one of many short-term feedback mechanisms used to regulate hunger and the notion which exists to say that low blood sugar may cause hunger is correct. Cortisol is elevated during exercise, which helps mobilize fats, increase performance and experience euphoria after and during workouts. 2. Marketing: I base this on the fact that the value has changed over the years. You can read my summary of the study here: Three Meals Superior for Appetite Control. If you were to fast for 23 hrs and then go for a 90 min run at 70-75% VO2max, your blood sugar after the run would be identical to the same run performed in the fed state. Well, live and learn. The top ten fasting myths debunked The dietary recommendations and advice given in mainstream media and most fora will have you believe that fasting is a hazardous practice. Contrary to what many people seem to believe, blood sugar is extremely well-regulated and maintained within a tight range in healthy people. In reality, these studies just show breakfast eaters maintain better dietary habits overall. Also worth mentioning, Richard Nikoley trained almost exclusively fasted (and basically doubled his deadlift, while losing fat). Short-term fasting has no effect on average cortisol levels and this is an area that has been extensively studied in the context of Ramadan fasting. Bodybuilders looking to rationalizes their desire to eat lots of mini-meals after the fact. There are objective truths to be found if you look for them. The strongest argument against this are the numerous studies available on body composition and health after and during Ramadan fasting. This is what increases insulin sensitivity - not some magical time period during the morning hours. Sometimes, an argument is made for eating breakfast as we are more insulin sensitive in the morning. The total amount of energy expended by TEF would be identical in each scenario. A few gut hunches on where it came from. While I would love to cite that study as proof for the benefits of intermittent fasting, body composition was measured by BIA, which is notoriously imprecise. They are like most people dieting in a haphazard manner. There was no tracking of the sumo wrestlers diet by the researchers. This is subject to numerous confounders, such as your habitual diet, energy intake and genetics. Well, nothing that would change the conclusions at least. Truth Efficient adaptation to famine was important for survival during rough times in our evolution. We run three different trials where the only thing we change is the the meal frequency. Cortisol typically follows a diurnal variation, which means that its levels peak in the morning at around 8 a. In that study, boxers were put on low calories and then an inadequate amount of liquid protein was given to both groups and the meals were divided up into 2 or 6 meals. November 4th Addendum: Section added at the end of the article. Many people believe that alcohol is fattening, more so than any other macronutrient. Needless to say, people who are introduced to Leangains and the intermittent fasting diet concept have many fears that will make them think twice before embracing it. Marketing: I base this on the fact that the value has changed over the years. This is the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF). In one Ramadan study on rugby players, subjects lost fat and retained muscle very well. A few gut hunches on where it came from 1. Someone who is unfamiliar with my background may easily mistake me and my writings for the latter and believe I have presented evidence that would somehow favor my methods, which I have not. However, an academic background, or an extensive education in nutrition or physiology, seems to correlate very poorly with truthfulness and objectivity in the field of dietetics in my experience. For more on blood sugar, read my review of Eat Stop Eat Expanded Edition, which includes a relevant excerpt. Off topic, i know you like eating your cheesecakes on your birthday or christmas. There are plenty of more comments along those lines. Fears grounded in years of a dietary indoctrination based on faulty ideas and lies. How can I develop a critical eye for study design and journal articles. Earlier this year, a new study was published on the topic. Note that no one presented evidence that contradicted this article and the conclusions I have presented. In essence, this means that blood sugar follows the meal pattern you are used to. The same setup was used by the same researchers on lean males and showed similar results.

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